澳洲反傾銷委員會公告對自我國等進口之特定中空結構型鋼管(Hollow Structural Sections)產品豁免反傾銷措施案(EX0093)結果,認定否決申請業者之主張-免除特定規格產品反傾銷措施。

澳洲反傾銷委員會(ADC)於112年8月2日公告有關澳洲業者申請對自我國等進口之特定中空結構型鋼管(Zinc Coated ( Galvanised ) Steel)(產品規格如下)豁免反傾銷措施之調查(EX0093)結果。

  • 本案產品規格如下:
    The exemption goods
    The goods the subject of the application for exemption (the exemption goods) are:
    Electric resistance welded pipe made of carbon steel, comprising circular and hollow sections normally referred to as CHS (circular hollow sections), RHS (square or rectangular) and trapezoidal hollow sections comprising ALL of the following:
    a) an air-blown hot-dipped galvanised finish; and
    b) a zinc coating mass of 200-300g/m2.
  • 澳洲業者Kasia Nominees Pty Ltd t/as DE Engineers主張本案產品之類似或直接競爭產品在澳洲並無販售,得豁免臨時反傾銷稅、反傾銷稅及平衡稅等措施。
  • ADC調查結果旨揭產品之類似或直接競爭產品在澳洲確有販售,爰建議產業暨科學部長否決申請業者之主張,並獲部長核定接受此一建議。

